According to the authors of the newly released book “Being Jewish in 21st Century Central Europe,” academic discussions revolving around this question have comprised a wide range of controversial points of view. Nevertheless, there is one relatively rare consensus, expressed by many, referring to twentieth-century historical legacies’ massive consequences. This burden has been borne by both Jews and non-Jews on the old continent.

“Being Jewish in 21st Century Central Europe highlights dynamic Jewish developments in the core of the Old Continent and astonishing new interrelations between Jews and non-Jews. Wisely, renowned experts also contribute texts on a new Jew-hatred that might jeopardize Jewish life anew.”  Günther Jikeli, Erna B. Rosenfeld Professor, Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism/Indiana University

Jewish life in Europe has undergone dramatic changes and transformations within the 20th century and in the last two decades. The phenomenon of the dual position of the Jewish minority concerning the majority, not entirely unusual for Jewish Diaspora communities, manifested itself most distinctly on the European continent. This unique Jewish experience of the ambiguous position of insider and outsider may provide valuable views on contemporary European reality and identity crisis.

The book focuses, among other things, on the foremost common denominators of contemporary Jewish life in Central Europe, such as an intense confrontation with the heritage of the Holocaust and unrelenting antisemitism on the one hand and on the other hand, huge appreciation of traditional Jewish learning and culture by a considerable part of non-Jewish Europeans. The volume includes contributions on Jewish life in central European countries like Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, and Germany.

“Since 2012, the Moses Mendelssohn Center/University of Potsdam (MMZ) runs the series EUROPEAN JEWISH STUDIES at De Gruyter Publishing House. More than 50 books have been published in this peer-reviewed series, including monographs, volumes, and editions. Distinguished authors from various backgrounds contribute to topics, ranging from Jewish intellectual history, Judaism in a changing world, unique biographies, Israel, and future Jewish perspectives. The series mirrors academic discourse but also reaches an audience far beyond.” Dr. Olaf Glöckner, Moses Mendelssohn Center Potsdam

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PhDr. et Mgr. Marcela Menachem Zoufalá, PhD. | [email protected]
Dr. Olaf Glöckner | [email protected]
Series: Europäisch-jüdische Studien – Beiträge, 43
Edited by: Haim Fireberg, Olaf Glöckner, and Marcela Menachem Zoufalá
De Gruyter Oldenbourg